Commemoration of the War of 1812 Central Park North Woods Blockhouse

Commemoration of the War of 1812

1814 Central Park North Woods Blockhouse


The Genealogical and Patriotic Societies of the War of 1812:
The Society of the Second War with Great Britain in the State of New York (SSWGBSNY),
The State of New York Society United States Daughters of 1812,
The Veteran Corps of Artillery in the State of New York (VCA), constituting the Military Society of the War of 1812, and
The New York City Chapter, United States Daughters of 1812 (Daughters)
Commemorated the War of 1812 Central Park North Woods Blockhouse on Saturday, April 27, 2013 in New York City.  This historic event marked the first time that the four societies met together to honor those who served in the War of 1812.

Blockhouse # 1, built in 1814 was part of an integral line of defensive works that provided interlocking lines of fire on any force attacking Manhattan Island from northern land borne approaches.  The blockhouse is the only surviving structure of this strong line of defensive works never tested by an assault.  Situated in the North Woods of Central Park, Blockhouse #1 has served as a stately reminder to generations of service and sacrifice of those who defended New York City during the War of 1812.

Peter Hein of the SSWGBSNY and the Military Society served as Master of Ceremonies for the event.  The VCA provided martial music prior to the event. The invocation and benediction read by Phila Ibaugh, Chaplain of the Daughters, presentation of the colors lead by Stephen J. Ryan, Commandant of the VCA. Honors to the Colors lead by Peter Hein.  The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States was led by Walley Francis; the Salute to the Flag of 1812 was led by Emily Malloy; the American’s Creed led by Betsy Bloomer; and the National Anthem was sung by Jan Johnpier and all of the Daughters.  Jan Johnpier President of the Daughters, Guy Dean President of the Military Society and the General Society of the War of 1812 in the State of New Jersey and Robert Gang President of the SSWGBSNY all spoke briefly on the significance of the event. Michael Graff of Central Park Conservancy spoke on the history of the blockhouse and the War of 1812 in New York City and Geologist Sidney Horenstein spoke of the significance local geology on the location and construction of the blockhouse. New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s office presented each society with a Citation of Appreciation at the end of the event proclaiming April 27, 2013 in the City of New York as “War of 1812 Bicentennial Commemoration Day”.

Following the commemoration a reception was held for the four societies at the home of Peter Hein and Anne Farley overlooking Central Park.  Members had a chance to socialize and get to know each other better and cement relationships.

Samuel Watson, PhD, Associate Professor of History, USMA, West Point gave a presentation on  “Zebulon Pike and The Battle of York – April 27, 1813” later at dinner which was held at Da Tommaso Restaurant.  Dr. Watson was presented the SSWGBSNY :General Jacob Brown Award by Robert Gang for his service to commemoration the Bicentennial of the War of 1812.


April 27th, 2013 Annual Spring Meeting in New York City

Pres. Robert J. Gang III (left center) presenting the SSWGBSNY General Jacob Brown award to Dr. Samuel Watson (right center).  VCA musicians Gary Hess on the left and Stephen Hefler on the right add some color to the event.

Pres. Robert J. Gang III (left center) presenting the SSWGBSNY General Jacob Brown award to Dr. Samuel Watson (right center). VCA musicians Gary Hess on the left and Stephen Hefler on the right add some color to the event.

SSWGBSNY at Central Park Blockhouse, from left to right: Walley Francis, Bob Gang, Tim Mabee, Tom Bird and Tom Schafer

SSWGBSNY at Central Park Blockhouse, from left to right: Walley Francis, Bob Gang, Tim Mabee, Tom Bird and Tom Schafer